By Username - 14/03/2011 06:53

Today, my ex-girlfriend moved out. I came back to a sparsely furnished home, she even took the shower head, my beard trimmer, and the soap from the bathroom. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 086
You deserved it 5 656

Same thing different taste

Top comments

she took your beard trimmer so she could shave her own beard.

Should had been there, OP. I can't believe you trusted her! She's your ex for a reason, remember that.


Moarlie 0

If you ask me, The sad thing is that she needed your beard trimmer..

QueenOfBoredom 0

maybe she didnt NEED it, maybe she just wanted to piss him off.... or! they broke up because of her need for a beard trimmer!

Blue_Barbie 0

If she bought it, she owns it!!!

its his house, he stated that he owns it. I don't think she purchased the shower head.

If you KNOW she's moving out BE THERE to lay claim on your things. If you didn't know she was taking off then FYL. Also, immediately change the locks or request the keys back the MOMENT she becomes your ex and decides to move out. Her having a set of keys means she can come and go as she pleases, taking whatever she wants when she goes. Furthermore, if she did happen to pay for something (like a couch or TV) then she technically owns it and has free rights to take it with her. The only thing this may not apply to is any gifts she gave to you (like the beard trimmer-potentially) and those things have to be worked out between the two of you.

cptmorgan15 2

She stole your beardtrimmer? If she really needs it I'd say you're nettet off without her (;

She may have stolen it just to piss him off and not out of some kind of need. She also, as some have pointed out, may have stolen it for use in trimming hair in personal areas.

I like how I got voted down for that but it is a fact that there are a lot of women and men that will use a beard trimmer for such things. Plus I'm not the only one who pointed that out.

It's true Chibi! I'll be a witness to that. I know a few guys who use them to manscape (hey, why not? Multi-functional) because with those, they can control length and whatnot, to maintain a somewhat 'natural' yet groomed look.

It's finally happened, someone's girlfriend has ran away with the shower head. =P

JeterArmy 0

bro that sucks, thats what bitches do i guess

sooo funny! change your toothbrush who knows what she did with it!!!

deathpotato 11