By Annoyed Student - 09/04/2013 23:09 - United Kingdom - Oxford

Today, my English teacher used the word "interpretate" again. This isn't the only mistake she's made though; I've been so frustrated that I've started a list of them. It's over a page long. I'm meant to be learning things from this woman. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 992
You deserved it 4 144

Same thing different taste

Top comments

'interpretate' is a perfectly cromulent word.

I once had a teacher tell us about how, “pon-ti-is pee-lot had like, totally conspired against Jesus with Jonas" needless to say we had her fired


Her English must be taught by her PE teacher!

ummangsb 10

the EXACT same thing happens to me. same word. same list. we need better teachers.

Sounds like my year 12 English teacher, who kept having to ask the class how to spell something.

I know the feeling. My English (university) teacher spoke in the third person for the entire class and drove us all insane. Nice to know this is the quality of education I get for my money. And people wonder why I spent my high school doing online European college courses, instead of giving a damn about the class I was stuck in.