By bjevilcat2 - 18/10/2010 18:02 - United States

Today, my doctor confirmed that the extreme pain I've been experiencing is due to a kidney stone. My friend decided this was the time to tell me that passing a kidney stone is the male equivalent of child birth. Hello even more pain. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 268
You deserved it 4 532

Same thing different taste

Top comments

that sux at least u know what ur wife or future wife goes through

Fortuitous 0

Damn, you must be in a pissy mood. Try and see if getting stoned will help alleviate your pain.


jennadol95 0

@31. How the hell do women bring it upon themselves? Some women are raped. So yeah you heartless bitch, watch what you say.

I see where you are going with that argument but considering that we have things like the Plan B pills ,which they generally offer to rape victims in hospitals or you can get them at the pharmacy, and abortion, they still technically choose to have the kid. So even if they were raped, they still chose to have the child. I'm not really in support of 31's comment but there were still some flaws in your point.

purplemnm 9

I finally completely passed a kidney stone yesterday. it was the first time I've ever cried over physical pain, and I'm tearing up just thinking about it. sorry, op, I hope you make a fast recovery. I do suggest drinking lemon water.

I'm on number 14 I think you will live signed a sympathetic guy

that really sux but I bet it's not as bad as giving child birth!! probly close tho

cpatrick820 3

You are actually incorrect. On the Pain Threshold scale, it ranks HIGHER in pain then child birth. I will also add I passed 5(!) kidney stones at once last year. It's like having a knife shoved into your backside in both kidneys and twisted for hours. I urinated pure red for a day.

cpatrick820 3

Look, I didn't create the chart, but it's an actual thing. You seem to be touchy about it, which many women follow suit. I assume it has something to do with not having the right to complain about the pains of childbirth as much if men have a similar pain. Also, your ****** is designed by nature to give birth. What you may not know is proportionately, the tubes of the urinal tract (the ones from the kidneys to the bladder and the urethra) undergoing the stretch and, more importantly, the actual sharpness of the stones is much more of a torment on the body then childbirth. Those tubes were never intended to adjust for that kind of material to pass through, so what results is a shredded set of tubes. What's worse, once you've had kidney stones once, you're destined to get them more and more frequently until you die. Woman also get them, fyi. Don't take pregnancy/birth so personally. At least it's natural and deemed worth celebration. Pissing broken glass is not.

jemshin 0

tell me about it .. O god ...

kdbombach 0

I no ur feeling. I've had 2 and I'm only 17.

what's the big deal about your friends telling you you're in for pain? you most definitely are in for excruciating pain! hope that your spine and discs stay aligned after all those lower back muscular spasms!

hey som1 wana help me out how u view comments new to dis

thikimo 0

congratulations! it's a hard mass developed from crystals that separate from the urine within the urinary tract.