By bjevilcat2 - 18/10/2010 18:02 - United States

Today, my doctor confirmed that the extreme pain I've been experiencing is due to a kidney stone. My friend decided this was the time to tell me that passing a kidney stone is the male equivalent of child birth. Hello even more pain. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 268
You deserved it 4 532

Same thing different taste

Top comments

that sux at least u know what ur wife or future wife goes through

Fortuitous 0

Damn, you must be in a pissy mood. Try and see if getting stoned will help alleviate your pain.


according to my bio teacher in order for a man to feel the pain of a non medicated childbirth he would have to pass a kidney stone the size of a lemon --sure the ****** is stretchy and meant to bear children but that doesn't make it hurt any less-- he said when he went to the ER for kidney stones the nurses laughed at him for comparing that pain to childbirth, but it also true that women have a much higher pain tolerance than men (Mythbusters proved it! lol) so maybe it does hurt as much for men who knows, no one can feel both types of pain, with the corresponding pain tolerance

child birth takes hours and consists of much more than pushing out the baby through a proportionally smaller portal.

WTSchool 0

At least there won't be people and a doctor crowding around you coaxing the stone to come out.

skyeyez9 24

117: So true (regarding men having lower pain threshholds). When my husband gets a cold, he acts like he is dying.

my fiance does the same thing, which is why I question the phrase "Man-up" shouldn't it be "Woman-up" lol

Depends on the man. I've seen men with some horrible wounds take the pain without complaining.

skyeyez9 24

If it makes you feel better, there is a tiny catfish in(i think the amazon) called the toothpick fish that has bren know to swim right up inside a man's dick, wedge itself inside with barbs, thrash around to make you bleed and drink the blood. Victims have said the pain is so bad that some cut off their penis to relieve the pain.

they swim up women's urethrae as well but we can't cut ours off D:

WhiiT3TiGeR 0

Only one confirmed case on this. The only possible way this could happen is if you were urinating in the amazon it let's out a huge amount of (a substence I forgot) and the toothpickfish smells this but he has almost no vision he then swims in your penis and hooks as you said and then bites to feat on blood. This is sucide after this agonizing proccess you can have surgery or these two herbs with will break the fish down.

TyronetheOG 0

Thats ******* scary. i just looked it up.

howipostfml 0

I'd make that stone into a necklace and wear it around. I'd say "yeah this just came out of my penis,no big deal."

skyeyez9 24

127: Yup. But not me! Cause if I ever was in the amazon rain forrest I'd definately stay away from the river: anacondas, pirannas, candiru (toothpick fish) and who knows what else lurks un those waters. O_0

StephLL_fml 0

Haha now you understand what women have to go through