By - - 09/11/2010 00:38 - United States

Today, my daughter got engaged. Her fiancé is not only 25 years older than her, but was her teacher in middle school. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 059
You deserved it 4 549

Same thing different taste

Top comments

katiemarie23 0

Pshh. Older guys are hot sometimes. My fantasy crush is almost 30 years older than me. Way to go for your daughter and the teacher.


RedPillSucks 31

Easy A for the rest of her life. LAME!!!!

It's her bed....let her lie in it with him.

report his ass to the schgoolboard so everyone knows hes a pervert

boatkicker 4

If the girl isn't in school anymore, than the school board can't, wont, and shouldn't do anything about it.

on the upside:1) she is happy, 2) their kids will have a great tutor when it's time for algebra homework

wow that makes me wonder what happened In middle school...

Hmm. Even though their relationship is now legal (obviously she's not underage anymore), I still find it somewhat disturbing.

tricey24 0

Damn ! That suckssss for you ! :(