By ZeroApostle4Ever - 23/02/2012 08:00 - United States

Today, my dad threw a waffle at my face for his own amusement. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 072
You deserved it 6 589

Same thing different taste


AhmandahAnarchy 5

Now I understand why half of you peoples are messed up... FYL

WoshJinchell93 11
SunsFan 0

Lol Sounds like he was just trying to have fun, did it have syrup on it?

natas_fml 13

If you ducked and it missed you, your life sucks. If it made contact, you deserved it.

OMG IT'S RAINING WAFFLES!!! *grabs plate*

2cute4u_18 1