By Not-pregnant - 20/04/2014 17:21 - United States - Melbourne

Today, my dad made me stick my gut out and walk around awkwardly, just so I'd look pregnant and let him get away with parking in an "expectant mothers" parking spot. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 613
You deserved it 4 883

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Dad wants you to be pregnant? That's a first.

sumbum95 15

Just laugh about it! It'll make a funny story hahaha.


Just be glad you had to stick out your gut. It would be more of an fml if he said you didn't need to as you already look pregnant

I'm sure there are dads who have done worse!!

Unless something's changed that I don't know about, the expecting mothers and senior citizens parking spots aren't legally enforceable, so he could use that spot all he likes. It would be rude, but perfectly legal. It's only handicapped spots where the restriction is legally enforceable.

I think you're right. It would be kind of weird to see an officer force someone to take a pregnancy test to use one of those spots anyway.

17- you may be right about it not being illegal to park in senior or parental parks, but it is definitely an asshole move to take them because you are just lazy

I'd rather see someone park in those spots than those asshats that take up two spots with their "I'm too cool" cars

buttcramp 21

Where I live, you register with the grocery stores for a sticker to put on the car's windshield during your pregnancy. it's just filling out who your doctor is and who is your emergency contact if you happen to go into labor in the store or parking lot.

So you did it and somehow think this is a fml moment? You decided to do it instead of saying no. I'm confused as to why this is anything other than a ydi moment.