By fudgydiaper22 - 30/01/2011 00:28 - United States

Today, my dad attempted to fix a power outlet. He managed to shock himself with 120 volts and fall backwards, landing on top of me. I am 85 pounds and he weighs 290 pounds. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 142
You deserved it 5 136

Same thing different taste

Top comments

theblackhannah 0

unrelated, but how can you only weigh 85 pounds? I'm a girl and havent been so small since I was ten. are you eleven or very short?


KessyKandi 0

Wait a moment.....your dad was electrocuted??? That sucks!! Be concerned for him- unless he crushed your tiny ribcage. Oh, and I'm underweight and I'm like 100lbs. Do you have small bone structure? Because 85lbs is tiny- especially for a guy!

nowayisthisreal 4

You need a goddamn burger or ten.

wait. youre a man. youre old enough to get on fml so i assume youre like, a teen at least? why the **** are you 85 pounds?!

who cares how old op is their father could have been seriously injured and all you care about is a shit load of weight landing on you

jrsgreenfire257 0
william818 0

wow. I think the fail here is your weight... and presumed age.

All these numbers make this sound like a maths question.

genquad4 0

how about the better question? WTF were you doing so close?

crazyaznjenny 0