By imscrewed - 29/07/2009 19:32 - United States

Today, my boyfriend told me he was going out tonight to celebrate his ex-but-still-friends-girlfriend's birthday at a local club and hopes I wasn't offended that I wasn't invited. I sure am offended; we have the same birthday. FML
I agree, your life sucks 83 402
You deserved it 4 128

Same thing different taste

Top comments

djb23 0

yeah are you sure he's your boyfriend?


AntiChrist7 0

YDI. Get a decent boyfriend next time, not the first ass you see

Artandlove 'Bros before hoes' isn't idiotic, at least for me anyway. You just have to be good at "bros"/bad at choosing "hoes" :P I guess I'm different than you, though. Because I'm not friends with people who don't talk to me or talk behind my back. I only consider my "best friends" as actual friends I'd put before my significant other, though. The people you'd call 'just a friend' would probably be 'people I know/see on a regular basis and don't absolutely hate' for me. 'Bros before hoes' makes sense because = [best friend I've known for years > guy I just met & am dating]. If your boyfriend has such a good relationship with you and is so nice, he was PROBABLY your friend before you started dating. So.. if you were dating someone that you didn't like as much as him & you were still friends with your current boyfriend, you'd still put the person you're dating before him? I think that's stupid. You should put whoever you're friends with more first. Your boyfriend can be a best friend AND boyfriend. So then the 'bros before hoes' works.. because in your case, your boyfriend is the 'bro' and your friends are ******* hoes (from the sounds of it at least).

winemysavior 4

wow what a jerk. set him straight hun! a person like that is always trouble. i would tell him what's what or dump him for being a tool

kbabel 0

all of you are ****** retarded and i feel awful for this girl, he means that hes going out tonight to celebrate her birthday, but she is no longer his girlfriend, he broke up wit her dumbasses !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

PlasticPopsicle 0
rustyrox 0

pretty sure you should be affended regardless