By Michelle - 27/12/2009 07:13 - United States

Today, my boyfriend told me he likes having sex during my period because it makes him feel like he stabbed a small animal to death. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 556
You deserved it 4 783

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I got no problem with the activity, but his reason for saying he liked it is seriously ****** up and you should dump him before he becomes a serial killer.


ImShamazingHun 0

ok. sex period=ewww... r u like, a sex addict? can't even wait till ur done ragging to have sex?? and obviously u dnt mind tht much if u did it in the first place =O

hahahahahahahaha he sounds like a savage.

wtsc 0

this is epic. this man is funny.

wow no offense but he sounds like a serial killer in the making

autismcure 0

it can actually be good for the girl. having sex while the girl is on her period can take away those awful cramps that she might have.

I loovvveee stabbing small things to death. escpecialy BABIES and SMALL CHILDREN!!! Boo. scary shit uh?

ashlea925 0

ah hahahahahah.! sick duuuude.