By Michelle - 27/12/2009 07:13 - United States

Today, my boyfriend told me he likes having sex during my period because it makes him feel like he stabbed a small animal to death. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 557
You deserved it 4 783

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I got no problem with the activity, but his reason for saying he liked it is seriously ****** up and you should dump him before he becomes a serial killer.


theskhighisblu 0
demonicrule 0

well you got to dumb that bitch, seriously

"o luk i liek 2 stab animals 2 deth wif my penis"

CynicComedian 2

Well, he's stabbing a beaver.

Bealllauren 0

Why do people keep saying it smells bad? Your period only smells like fish if you're not clean down there. Otherwise it doesn't really smell like anything but blood.