By Anonymous - 12/02/2015 16:50 - Romania - Bucharest

Today, my boyfriend threw a fit because I "still" live with my mother at age 30. I bought her an apartment in my building and hired a live-in nurse because she is senile and permanently bedridden. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 322
You deserved it 2 545

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You're the logical one here OP. And you might want to get him a nurse too. He seems a little senile himself.

Wow, your boyfriend sounds like an asshole. You're a great daughter for taking the best possible care of your mother even if she is senile. Keep doing what you're doing, OP.


jentrynicole 20

Your boyfriend is kind of a dick.

Keiajacole 16

What an asswipe. He does realize that your mother is ill and unable to care for herself, yes? If you've tried explaining that to him, and he still acts like a snotbag, I say dump the asshole.

He sounds like he still 10 so dont sweat it.

sahmnc420 13

High five! Respect for our parents and elders is something we don't see much anymore. Get rid of the bf. Good job I know it's hard taking care of a parent in the condition.

You are such a wonderful daughter. Good karma is coming your way.

If youre the kind of person that loves and respects your mother enough to take care of her then you deserve someone that would do the same for you. .