By motherfuck666 - 18/05/2014 21:21 - United States - San Francisco

Today, my boyfriend's mom got him a shitload of Axe for his birthday. Now I get nauseous whenever I go near him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 889
You deserved it 5 485

Same thing different taste

Top comments


91hayek 31

That was his mom's plan all along. Operation Revulsion is a success!!

Well tell him he's putting to muck on

Tell him to switch to old spice. The commercials say it all

Axe is not a substitute for taking a shower. I really hope that's not the problem here.

kat_moore15 12

The bad thing is when guys put on cologne and you not only can smell it but also taste it.

Epikouros 31

Yeah, I hate it when you lick a guy's armpits and you taste deodorant... Oh wait, I guess you didn't mean that.

You should ask your parents for an axe when it comes around to your birthday.

ninety 25

Yeah, but normally the axe smell mixes with the BO smell, especially with the spray.

I think I could handle B.O. better than Axe. Axe doesn't cover the smell, it blends and creates an even funkier smell.

martin8337 35

I always thought that Axe was supposed to draw the women to the men. I wouldn't know, because I don't use male perfume, just deodorant. .