By luvlessbootycall - 24/07/2010 05:23 - United States

Today, my boyfriend of three months texted me saying he loves me. I excitedly started texting back, "I love you too." Before I even got done, he messaged again saying, "Can you send a pic of your tits to me now?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 753
You deserved it 6 880

Same thing different taste

Top comments

should have texted back "sure baby! hold on ;)" then find a pic of hairy balls on google and send that


pandakoala1228 5

i feel ya my now ex did the same to me

Dajudge06 0

You probably sent the pic to him anyway because your a dumb bitch like that.

floatguy 2

LMAO!! men are from mars women are from Venus..

desie_22 3

That dosnt even make sense, saying "I love u" when he only has known u for 3 months ist creepy! Ew if a guy said that, I would be like "ew stranger weirdo"

Read the FML. Boyfriend of 3 months, not known him for 3 months.

you should dump that guy SO hard in front of a lot of people... seems to me like he needs to learn a lesson!

predavlad 3

That's pretty much what most men thinks after saying "I love you" (well, not pictures, the live thing, and probably not just boobs). Although unlike most men, he wasn't subtle at all. He either has the IQ of a chipmunk, or is socially awkward.