By Unloveable - 13/06/2016 16:32 - United States - Priest River

Today, my boyfriend of six years broke up with me over video chat. Two days before I was to move across the country to be with him. All of my things are already shipped. He said he thinks of me as a sister. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 415
You deserved it 1 086

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If he thinks of you like a sister, then he should pay for all of the shipping costs to return your stuff.

Why do people do stuff like this? He obviously knew you were having your things sent and that if he waited it would make things exponentially more difficult but he just had to'd think someone that spent 6 years of your life with you would be a bit more considerate. I'm sorry OP, the whole situation must be so heartbreaking :/


People can be really stupid sometimes, I hope you told him to **** off.

If you're planning on moving anyway then might as well show up when your things get there and get a place?

Getting a place to live by yourself in an area you're unfamiliar with would probably result in being homeless for a while. Also, why would you want to move to a state that your D-bag of an ex lives in? Especially considering he might be the only one who lives there that she knows?

Im sorry, but did you not see this coming??? Im were with the dude for 6 years and he pulls a douche move like that 2 days before you were move there and your stuff was already shipped out. Im thinking there had to be some sort of sign something was up either you missed or ignored. That was a dick move on his part if there wasnt. He should have spoken to you flat out either way. This is another reason I dont trust anyone...even guys Ive dated. Keep your guard up your next boyfriend, hope things work out for ya

Moiceter21 10

some people just want to watch the world burn.

Total lack of caring for others. Boo.

And he didn't tell you this BEFORE you shipped your stuff why? Besides the obvious "He's a ******* asshole"?

Wtf? Good riddance. Make him reimburse you and have hi pay for all the shipping back.

He's a POS. Be glad to get rid of him. He obviously has no respect for you.

His relation with his sister must be particulary disturbing...

Montanagrl 9

He had 6 years to decide how he feels, but waits until you plan a move & ship everything. He better foot the bill!!