By queenlatifa101bebe - 10/12/2011 02:48 - United States

Today, my boyfriend left me for my neighbor. Her name is Hope. She'd better "hope" I don't take a dump in her yard. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 391
You deserved it 16 484

Same thing different taste


rofflewaffle 9

Trashy much? Maybe instead of blaming her for something your EX did, you should take a look at your own shortcomings and try to be less of an immature bitch.

...Huh, I guess sarcasm is lost on chocobos. Bobby, the only proper revenge is moving on and living a happy life.

you're saying you'd rather shit in someone's yard to show how much you hate them instead of verbally or physically confronting the girl?

toalysium 15

You should do it "Christine" style: smash in her windshield and drop one on her dash.

FYLDeep 25

If two wrongs don't make a right, then two dumps don't make a good relationship. You should probably just get over it.

Mipz 2

And Hope didn't even do anything wrong, Op's boyfriend did. So it's even more of a "two wrongs" situation.

January8 5

Haaaaa word play makes me happy

Yeah, wow OP.. You're pretty quick... No though, seriously, I'd have a doctor check if you have full mental capacity if your solution is to "poop in her yard".. Wtf?