By ihatepokemon - 22/07/2013 22:14 - United States

Today, my boyfriend got angry because I laughed when he asked me if he should retire from being a Pokemon Trainer. He was serious. He's also 21. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 807
You deserved it 11 818

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Xenmas021 3

You laughed because you can't ever retire from being a Pokemon trainer, right?


I have to agree with OP here, I don't see a reason to not laugh at him. I laughed when I read it. It's not like he's a trainer for some sort of Olympic sport and I'm sure he's not getting paid to be a Pokemon trainer so for that fact it's pretty much a useless hobby...sorry to all the poke-nerds but I don't choose you.

I don't have a clue what most of the posters are talking about Pokémon here. I don't even know what a Trainer is. I've never been into that sort of thing. But it's clearly a very passionate issue for many people. I'd be pissed if I was that passionate about something, and my wife laughed at me if I asked if I should retire/give it up. I mean pissed. Don't get me wrong, I'm passionate about many things. But I don't plan on giving up my passions - just putting them on hold. You need to really think about why someone would want to give up such a strong passion. I can see why OP thinks of it so trivially, but I can also see the bf's point of view too. OP, you should ask him why he wants to retire. Maybe he is trying to grow up but doesn't know how to navigate adulthood - thinking he has to give up all his toys and fun, maybe he just wants to spend more time with you? Take it as a compliment he is trying to man up, with you. And feel bad that you shat on his passion.

dude, nobody reads a comment that long.

peoplesuck32 5

that's some serious business, OP.

That means he still has a good 9 years as a Pokemon trainer ahead of him, before he should consider retiring. Unless he became a Gym Leader, they shouldn't retire untill one of their pupils has surpassed them and is ready to take their place.

I came expecting many witty Pokemon puns :/

Steve95401 49

OP's boyfriend is 21 going on 12.

He was right to be angry, unless you were laughing because one does not simply retire from being a Pokémon trainer. You don't choose the Pokémon trainer life, it chooses you.

You deserved it. Pokemon is quite enjoyable. Don't hate it.

KaitlynNeal 13

What the hell is wrong with a Pokemon fan?! I love Pokemon and cosplay and so do all my friends including my fiancée

Axel5238 29

Nothing wrong is being a fan. The problem I think some are thinking about is having an unhealthy love for stuff like this and it can get a little creepy particularly when they get older.