By neverdateaclosetcase - 17/11/2010 18:16 - Canada

Today, my boyfriend asked me to meet his parents over Christmas. I was ecstatic. But there was one condition: I must go dressed as a girl since he hasn't worked up the nerve to come out to his parents yet. We've been dating for over a year. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 392
You deserved it 13 516

Same thing different taste

Top comments


RedPillSucks 31

OP, unless you're already effeminate looking, I can't imagine that going to work at all. Most people can spot a tranny a mile away.

Oh god that just broke my heart. :,( I'm sorry, OP. That's messed up.

you're taking it just a bit too far... you don't know him so how could that break your heart ? I don't think you've ever had you're heart broken cause it just doesn't happen that lightly

I hate the argument "they didn't choose to be gay" there is no way to truly prove if that is true or not.

I hate that you and other idiots even care. What difference does it make why they're gay? They are and it doesn't affect you at all. Mind your own ******* business and let them mind theirs (pun intended).

cupcakeyumzz 0

damn that sucks ={ but hey,SHOPPING SPREE!!! =D

Watch the movie "The Birdcage" OP - that might help you a bit. ;)

furshur23 0

f*ckin ****** go get some friends

Euroguy20 0

******!! Go suck each others dicks you fags