By SeaSick - 15/02/2010 05:03 - United States

Today, my boyfriend and I went on a 1 day cruise to the Bahamas. It happened to be on the same day of the worst sailing conditions. We spent 6 hours throwing up together. Him into the sink, and me into the toilet. We spent $200 to see the inside of our cabin's bathroom. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 788
You deserved it 3 598

Same thing different taste

Top comments

fake. One day in the Bahamas there's no way that would happen.

In FL you can go to the bahamas for a day, sucks that you guys didnt get to enjoy the trip!


disturbed_kitten 0

Sounds like a fun story to tell in the distant future

baby_val 0

haha aww that's suppa sad = but at least y'all were together

NerdWorld101 0
trackrunner00008 0

atleast he was a gentleman and gave you the toilet.

For some reason I find this kind of cute.

i have never heard of a 1 day cruise to the bahamas.... why would you need a cabin anyway if it was just for a day? and whoever wrote about the igloo up at the top of these comments, you're on the wrong fml

well this is a fail for picking an awful time to go on a cruise

I was seasick only once; this was in the almost 50 miles off the coast in the middle of a storm with 10 foot waves which washed over the deck every few minutes. Sure I threw up a lot, but in hindsight it was great memory of what me and my buddies survived. Your relationship should grow stronger from this shared hardship.

Why go on a cruise if you get sea sick? They're pretty smooth but you notice movement in your cabin. And to the people that are blaming her because she didn't check weather conditions, a lot of cruises can sell anywhere from months to the day it sails. Plus checking the weather in the middle of *body of water* isn't the easiest thing to do when preparing.