By Anonymous - 03/12/2014 17:06 - United States - Rancho Santa Margarita

Today, my boyfriend and I had sex for the first time. He's Latino, so I thought he'd like it if I made a bit of noise and called him "papi" while we did it. It freaked him out enough to kill his boner, and now he thinks I have some kind of incest fetish. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 596
You deserved it 46 380

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Would you appreciate it if he called you mum/mom/momma (whichever) during sex?

why do people like calling their boyfriend "daddy"? doesn't it make you think of your dad?


Calling someone 'daddy' during sex can be really really hot butt it's better to ask first before trying that kinda thing ;)

No, just no. YDI for assuming something like that.

SheepShoop_fml 20

What the hell is wrong with you.

It's never hot when a girl says anything in Spanish while having sex unless it's a Latina girl

PSYqualiac 17

YDI because you assumed he'd like it based on ethnicity. As harmless as it was... it was wrong to assume he'd be into that. Not everyone likes the same things. Anyways, hasn't FML taught you better than to try stuff like this?

Ok I'm latino and if you say that most of us will be weird out. Just because he latino does not mean he/we like it when you say that. Next time ask him what he likes.