By Anonymous - 03/12/2014 17:06 - United States - Rancho Santa Margarita

Today, my boyfriend and I had sex for the first time. He's Latino, so I thought he'd like it if I made a bit of noise and called him "papi" while we did it. It freaked him out enough to kill his boner, and now he thinks I have some kind of incest fetish. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 596
You deserved it 46 380

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Would you appreciate it if he called you mum/mom/momma (whichever) during sex?

why do people like calling their boyfriend "daddy"? doesn't it make you think of your dad?


That's racist. Lmao you think all Latinas scream in bed and say "papi"? :-P

ajs1987 15

I just hate it when racism doesn't work in my favor

I've talked to one of my Latino friends about this. He said that the term, "Papi" is a total deal-breaker.

derpina72 23

You honestly should have asked first. My husband is Latino and he loves when I call him papi. Neither of us use that word when speaking to our parents. Even though he's Latino, he still has always called his dad just dad, and I've always done the same. Sometimes it depends on the person because we simply have never associated the word with our parents, but some people have.

"Papi" does not mean "father". Almost no one calls their dad that. It's almost always used as a pet name.

Yeah umm OP,Papi means daddy in Spanish...probably shouldn't of been such a rascist asshole and assumed that he'd like that XD