By poopcoloredeyes - 31/10/2011 20:06 - Australia

Today, my boyfriend admitted that the only reason he remembers my eye color is because it's the same shade of his shit after he's had a salad. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 196
You deserved it 3 692

Same thing different taste


Tell him the only reason you remember he has a dick is because you have to put the toilet seat down every day.

You're dating him, you deserve it. Hope ya like his form of compliments

Apperantly, your thick skull can't comprehend the behavior patterns of humans and their ability to act. Thank god for psychology.

Mourningstar 4

Guys only remember a girls eye color if he's "In love", apparently this one isn't......

But he does remember her eye color..

OP, shit on his back and the tell him "careful buddy, i've got my eyes on you!"

ToeJams 0

You know what they say about people with brown eyes; there full of sh!t

kiakia0131 23

How romantic of him to say that!

He is immature. Thoughtless and not very kind as well. Just because you think up something does not mean you need to say it.

KiddNYC1O 20

"You didn't just save my life, brown eyes... You made my life worth saving..."

"The doctor said if I don't take a dump soon, my constipation could kill I ate the salad you made me....So now, every time I take a shit after eating one of your salads,...I,....I think of your eyes....." *snifs all teary eyed and slowly reaches over for paper*