By poopcoloredeyes - 31/10/2011 20:06 - Australia

Today, my boyfriend admitted that the only reason he remembers my eye color is because it's the same shade of his shit after he's had a salad. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 196
You deserved it 3 692

Same thing different taste


bigantennaemay 3

why the ass? why not a more sensitive, painful part?

well to look on the bright side you can be proud that he remembers the color of his shot after he eats a salad...

satans_babe13 0

I know how u feel .. My eyes are the same color. My ex remembered my eye color cuz it was the color of his puke after drinking :P

domlib66 0

either you have some rly ****** up eyes, or he has some rly ****** up salad...

sk8rgirljj 0