By chunkymonkey - 24/08/2012 13:53 - United States

Today, my boyfriend actually held onto my love handles while we were having sex. He said they "made it easier." FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 311
You deserved it 10 330

Same thing different taste

Top comments

They're handles... For when you're making love. I think he used them properly

Yup they are called like that for a reason


delicious69 5

If he is going that hard that he needs to hang on count yourself lucky

How is this an FML? Like everyone else said, they're called that for a reason!

I guess now you know why they're called "love handels".

challan 19
zuzupetalsYO 11

Why do you think they're called "love-handles"?

stoned_is 1

Like ninjadinos said "confidence is hot" but if it really bothers you, then do something about it. Youre in control of ur body ...

My boyfriend does that all the time? They are called 'LOVE HANDLES' for a reason.. Calm down.