By Anonymous - 11/07/2015 06:13 - Australia

Today, my boss told me I wasn't getting the promotion I'd been angling for. I was so pissed off, I ranted to a coworker about it over lunch. Turns out my boss was just testing how I dealt with rejection before making his final decision. He overheard my rant and me calling him a Nazi bitch. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 195
You deserved it 37 324

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Coland 19

Why are you getting mad at him for not giving you the promotion it's his job to see who would do the job best and you obviously don't deserve it if you are calling him a "nazi b*tch"

mom_of_5 10

Bet you did Nazi that coming! Bad pun...but seriously, very unprofessional. Personal feelings should be separated from business. It creates nothing but tension and trouble.


YDI - Never speak negatively about your job at your job, to your coworkers, or really in earshot of anyone in a public space. And really, don't call people nazi b-tches. Super unprofessional.

You should never complain ABOUT work while AT work. Just not a good idea.

Elisabetha Aarron 18

You 1000% Deserved this. Well done for proving yourself a 2 year throwing a tanturm and for being an idiot for insulting your boss at work. How idiotic can you be🤣