By Jaeda - 12/03/2009 20:04 - United States

Today, my boss forgot her meeting with an official from the military base and called to ask me to handle it. The very cute Marine showed up that afternoon and we talked for an hour. After he left, I realized I had forgotten about the paper mustache I taped to my face for fun that morning. FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 310
You deserved it 72 865

Jaeda tells us more.

I'm twenty years old, and my boss never leaves me enough work, but I'm expected to stay a full day so that I can answer the phones during all business hours. Sometimes my days are very slow, so I have to entertain myself. Don't hate on me and my goofiness because you're square. :) I forgot about the mustache because it was small and had been there for a good 3 hours when he showed up. And yes.. I had met him before and I will see him again. We're going to be doing some building for the nearby base. I work for a construction company.

Top comments


Well, if he talked to you for an hour with a paper mustache on, think how far you'd get without it! ;D

Well at least it covered your real mustache.


I'm twenty years old, and my boss never leaves me enough work, but I'm expected to stay a full day so that I can answer the phones during all business hours. Sometimes my days are very slow, so I have to entertain myself. Don't hate on me and my goofiness because you're square. :) I forgot about the mustache because it was small and had been there for a good 3 hours when he showed up. And yes.. I had met him before and I will see him again. We're going to be doing some building for the nearby base. I work for a construction company.

That is funny as hell, either he thought so too or he didn't wanna embarrass you.

Simoneaux17 11

Daaaaaaaaaaaaaayum girl, this was posted 4 years ago! :p

AllieCat999 0

#40, darling, you need to chill the hell out!! Your tangent has absolutely nothing to do with the FML. So please, do us all a favor, and take your stupid, army going ass out of here. Btw is your name David? You sound a lot like a guy I (unfortunately) know

silversar59 0

lol... well hey, if he talked to you for a whole hour, he might not have minded it too much ;)

This is cute. I'd totally do the same thing or something close.

laurenbabyy 0

you're an idiot. seriously, who actually does things like that?

It's sad that so many people immediately think "Wow, someone having fun and being themselves? What an idiot!" Stop being such sheep, people. =/ I wear a pair of antlers in public whenever I feel like it- am I an idiot? Or am I smarter than you because I don't give a crap what random jerkoffs think? ;D

jafar_fml 0

hahaha this is funny as hell. being a Marine myself i can say he probably didnt care about it. oh and to those who say we are assh*les, i think the word you are looking for is 'confident', although i admit at times it can border on arrogance. but hey, i can understand your jealousy! its only natural. if you have 13 weeks to spare, by all means contact your nearest Marine Recruiter and you too can develop some confidence in yourself and earn our title!

You can not be a Marine without confidence, it just doesn't work. We are a bunch of cocky motherf-@&ers!!! Semper Fi!

#34 - Why do people say "no offense" and then say something offensive? That's a totally idiotic contradiction in terms. No offense... Jaeda - SUPER-hilarious! I would totally do the same airheaded thing. And I bet he did think it was adorable. :D

alex_vik 0

#60 - It's a little thing called maturity, you should try it sometime.

#60, dont listen to #63, maturity is way over rated.