By KatielSilver - 20/05/2013 05:44 - United States - Lakewood

Today, my allergies started up with a vengeance. Yesterday I broke 4 ribs and fractured my sternum. Every time I sneeze, I swear I can feel the broken bones move around. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 455
You deserved it 3 123

KatielSilver tells us more.

KatielSilver 1

It was an ATV "accident". My ex - boyfriend broke up with me on the trail and then purposely spun us around a turn too fast and I was thrown off the back. He still doesn't understand why I didn't find it funny like he did...

Top comments

TheHarvest 7

just wait till you gotta use the bathroom : fyl

Ouch. Ask your doctor if there's anything s/he can do.


an3ph 20

Have you tried turning it off and back on again?

You can. I remember when I broke my hand, I felt the same thing.

That would be the point for me where I would take Advil PM and sleep...

Claratin(?) is your friend! It takes a ew days to kick in, but when it does you'll be fine. I know it doesn't help you now but it will. ... From what I've heard this year is the worst allergy sesson ever!

When I broke my arm I was cold and I was shivering... Yeah that's wasn't fun. And then I had to sleep in a friggin Motel 6 and that shit is uncomfortable. Escpecially when you have a broken wrist.

OP, I hope you get your ex-bf to pay all your medical bills!