By sourcandy013 - 21/11/2011 02:21 - United States

Today, my 11 year-old sister unfriended me on Facebook because I'm not "cool enough" to be seen on her profile. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 640
You deserved it 5 596

Same thing different taste

Top comments

11 year olds shouldnt have Facebook -.-

MwahFMLS 6

Lock her out of the house and tell her she's not cool enough to be in there? Sorry, OP. Its all i got.


UofLCardFan08 6

Want to get even? Report her FB page for being an underaged user.

I have my brother constantly telling me how to shop he says my style is wack I know what you mean

TheBestofHailey 2

Why does ur 11 year old have a facebook? Wow.

lolmandi 9

She's 11, that explains it. She'll grow up, no worries OP.

doglover100 28

Why does an 11 year old have a Facebook?? Report her.

What a brat! And some of the other posters are right - she shouldn't be on Facebook - the min age is 13!

You may not be "cool enough" but she's not old enough and it is illegal for her to have one in the first place :)

Karan0217 6

Report her to Facebook for underage account or make another account of a guy add her, and type rude stuff on her wall