By sourcandy013 - 21/11/2011 02:21 - United States

Today, my 11 year-old sister unfriended me on Facebook because I'm not "cool enough" to be seen on her profile. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 640
You deserved it 5 596

Same thing different taste

Top comments

11 year olds shouldnt have Facebook -.-

MwahFMLS 6

Lock her out of the house and tell her she's not cool enough to be in there? Sorry, OP. Its all i got.


Report her since she to young to be registered on Facebook, and when she asks what happened, just say, "I guess you're not cool enough to be on Facebook."

lilcatisawesome 7

Don't you have to be like thirteen to have a Facebook..??

Iheartchristmas 5

She is freakin' 11! She doesn't even need one. I'm 15 and I don't even have a Facebook... I have a Twitter!

sandra5897 0

Hahaa! Exactly the same here. She only has 53 friends too. I have 1,096

Report her account to fb and have the account closed for being under 13? Just a thought :)

Cool is a queer word anyway , you should have deleted her:L

russianraccoon 0

She's 11. You're reacting like an 11 year old would. Grow up

bassjames666 2

agreed with 153 report her, tell her " o ya im not cool enough well now you are alone in the world, mwahahahahahahahahahahah!!!!!!!" then delete it