By dumpedattheclub - 28/03/2009 03:40 - United States

Today, me and my girlfriend went to the club. The song "Single Ladies" by Beyonce came on; the DJ came on the mic and said "Single ladies raise your hands!" My girlfriend raised her hand. FML
I agree, your life sucks 66 975
You deserved it 7 261

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If you two are not married, then technically, she IS single. And if you don't want her to be single, then you ought to put a ring on it!

As long as she doesn't try to kiss another boy (or boyS) you're quite safe.. It's just a song


not a fml grow some balls and show her she got you

gambit50 0

dude alk girl raise there hands retart

wow you need help... lighten up its just a song, you went to the club to have fun...

ArielTheMermaid 17

single or not I always put my hands up to this song

technically you are single until your married.. on tax forms you fill out it doesn't say do you have a boyfriend or girlfriend just single married or widowed .

I hope for you she just didn't understand... Or maybe that was an hidden message ...

If u like it u should put a ring on it BITCH!!

wrwrestler8 4

This is why as a man, you gotta work out every single day! I know that being with a girlfriend makes us men weak and we dont feel like working out and being buff anymore, we just wanna have sex and chill and cuddle and all that shit... but honestly we gotta PUT IN THEM REPS ANYWAY! Cuz when it comes down to a situation like this? We gotta be BUFF and be the alpha male and be like "look babe, you can BE single all you want, but if any guy tries to dance with you im gonna knock him out" and have that be that. and if your not buff then shes just gonna L-O-L

Gabby15410 0

I woulda taken the keys and left her at the club