By SingleStrongArm - 03/05/2013 05:16 - Canada - Oshawa

Today, marks the third week in which my girlfriend has gone without taking a shower. She does this every so often, taking showers roughly once per month. She's convinced baby wipes will "hold her over". FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 688
You deserved it 9 762

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hiimhaileypotter 52

I don't think I could ever be with someone who doesn't value being hygienic.... That's gross.

That's nasty. Time to get a new girlfriend.


thatgirlincali 13

Please tell me she at least brushes her teeth.

ltaper11 20

Nah didn't you know baby whips hold you over

I think it's time you find yourself a new girlfriend.

perdix 29

Some guys like that dirty "Earth Mama" motif, but if this is your FML, you ain't one of them. Find out where the local Anosmia support group meets and tell her to go trolling for dates there. Oh, during your breakup speech, if she calls you a "douche," please refrain from using the obvious zinger. It's just too easy.

I keep asking why there are still people like that in the 21st century. How can you you even get laid with her? I don't even want to think of how her intimate parts are right now....

Why would she do that? Where did she get her education? On the back of a cornflakes box?

That's the way we do it in the military, of course we don't have running water when we do this... Maybe you could invite her to shower with you for a little "fun"

This is a strange sentence. At least we know.. As if that's the bare minimum information you require from each story. "Today I accidentally ran over my own dog, FML" "Oh OP that sucks, but do you have down there..?".

Haha ummm... No. Tell her that every once in a while you just need to find a new girlfriend....