By Nicky13Na - 12/09/2017 23:15

Today, I hit the six-year mark for daily vomiting. All the doctor can say is that it's psychological. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 170
You deserved it 307

Same thing different taste


it sounds like you need surgery.. and a new doctor. find a specialty doctor.

cyclical vomiting syndrome. try coq10 and l-carnitine. possibly amitriptyline

>AllMessedUp< 8

Your teeth must be screaming in agony... that is ****** up like all mental issues (o can tell...)

>AllMessedUp< 8

if it is a mental issue anyways

That's crazy. I've been sick for 4 years almost daily vomiting and my doctors just want to continue giving me psych meds as well because it "must be in my head"