By trashcanned - 06/04/2009 11:47 - United States

Today, it was really windy and rainy causing me to trip and knock into a little kid. While still gathering myself, I apologized and patted the kid on its head. Then I see people around me starting to laugh. I turn and look at the kid, and discover I've been interacting with a trash can. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 762
You deserved it 52 217

Same thing different taste

Top comments

hey that's not that bad. at least you didn't mistake a kid for a trash can.

Has stuff like this been happening a lot? Possibly seek medical help.


Eternus_Enigma 0

lmao! That was cute. XD And priceless.

i think you need to go see an eye doctor haha just kidding

whatthefuckcunt 0

i'm not. go see a ******* eye doctor, that was just stupid

i think you need to go see an eye doctor haha, just kidding :]

I'm not understanding the resemblance between a kid and a trash can...

just laugh with them and pretend it's a it's a joke =)

Hurt16 0

that sooo happened to me it's like u quickly glance at the odject n to u it looks like a child... I hit a short, fat, black pole with a bag caught on it n though I was a child n I turned to say sorry n relaized it was a pole... it's quiet funny I just laughed n kept walking... soo not a FML

nemohazADDlama 0

And why the **** would you pat the ''little kid'' on his head?

xxxbooxxx 16