By suckmeoff - 12/04/2009 07:21 - United States

Today, it was my birthday. My grandma gave me a hug and a check after wishing me a happy birthday and walked away giggling. I was excited because it was the only gift I had gotten all day. Ten minutes later, I realized that it was actually just my tax refund. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 264
You deserved it 3 478

Same thing different taste

Top comments

...On the bright side, it was still more money than you had the day before.

Scorponok 0

Haha. Your grandma hates you.


campana1024 0

you must not have many friends then, try getting a personality or something then maybe ppl will like you

JimSweatshirt 6

Shit better than getting nothing..:) and at least (i think she) remembered your bday