By BirthdayTeeth - 16/06/2009 11:14 - United Arab Emirates

Today, it was my 18th birthday. I got one thing: a fancy electric toothbrush from my little sister. I would say I'm happy to have something rather than nothing, except, for as long as the toothbrush works, there will be a Hannah Montana concert going on in my mouth. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 991
You deserved it 4 249

Same thing different taste

Top comments

At least she thought of you. Most little sisters don't really care, depending on their age


To the point, u have lousy parents, hope they at least got u a cake! At least ur little sister wasn't selfish, she could've kept her toothbrush LOL but FYL though, I feel bad 4 u, ur birthday is supposed to be the best!

LostHope 0

I moderated this one. Look at the bright side: at least u wont get bored while brushing ur teeth

What's the point of saying "I moderated this one"?

blueflare21 3

Ouch but at least your sister cared enough for you maybe there's a surprise later on tonight with your family or friends maybe a party or so

Better than sticking the Jonas Brothers in your mouth.

paintedlove 1

i bet millions would stick the jonas brothers in their mouth.

'The Jonas Brothers can stick it in my mouth' I'm surprised no one's said it yet

#12- Nobody cares if you moderated this one.

Kylias 6
Dopehead666 21

Awh I'm sorry! Hannah Montana sucks! At least I'm lucky enough to have a Carebear one =) I'm sure anyone would pick Carebears over a twat.

krystal_love 0

Hmm...I hate to burst your sad little bubble, but those things are like $5 at CVS. And, saddest of all, they don't vibrate! It was a nice thought though.