By KennyDidIt - 09/12/2012 13:18 - United States - Grand Bay

Today, it's my sixth day taking care of my family's seven animals while my parents are in Singapore. So far, I've emergency-called the vet twice, taken a dog to the vet once, and cleaned up liquid dog shit five times. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 692
You deserved it 2 844

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What the hell are you feeding the dogs that are making them sick. It's not that hard to take care dogs.

zingline89 18

Here's a solution! -Don't eat for several days -You die -FML site improves


upsidedownn 8

It's not the animals fault! You're doing a good thing by helping out and taking care of them.

This is my curiosity speaking, but does anybody else wonder what other animals OP's family has?

He has a parrot , a cat, a iguana, three dogs, and I believe a goldfish.

Oh yeah and he made the two emergency calls to the vet, because the goldfish almost drowned twice :(

Twisted_Angel 17

And the vet told you to...? Start watching the dogs. When they start sniffing, take them outside. a dog always sniffs before they shit. And wash your hands before dinner...

mariebc123 7
pipc 10

How is it that hard to care for animals?

Boil some chicken with no spices or anything added. Just give them a little at a time. My dog was sick like that and it helped him.