By Dopeboyfresh71 - 19/12/2010 01:02 - United States

Today, it's my sixteenth birthday. The only gift I got was a bill from my parents. Apparently, the rent is due on the 1st. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 967
You deserved it 3 261

Same thing different taste


Your parents are c*nts. Plain and simple. Oh, #12, not only are you very right, but your comment made me giggle. Sure, living on your own is hard financially but it's rewarding in other aspects. I moved out 4 years ago (18), and never looked back.

LOL! @12 your daughters face looks messed up just like yours!!All f***ed up!

*clapping hands* Just wait till you see what you are getting for Christmas!

that's kinda illegal... ya know child abuse and what not

VivaLaCobra22 0

I didn't know asking for rent was child abuse..

mintcar 9

Aw, I am terribly sorry OP. This makes me appreciate my parents. I'm 21, I live at home and I can't imagine having to pay bills. FYL.

i just wanna live the rest of my life with nobody, barely pullin through. and then die

its time to buy a car, move out, and live in already said car. better buy a hatchback if you plan on carrying on the family name

22 - You just made a fatal mistake. I hope you enjoy hell. Never, ever say anything bad about Doc's cute daughter.

patridge 0

i think its a hint to you know.... get a job or make a living in a condom recycling plant