By Anonymous - 11/12/2013 08:25 - United States

Today, is my little sister's 16th birthday. I spent my last $20 on a gift for her, cleaned the house for her party, made an ice cream cake, and got her a rose. What did I get? "I hope you kept the receipt for this. Oh, and stay in your room during my party." FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 519
You deserved it 3 838

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Allennis44 16

Take the gift and eat the ice cream cake on your own

ZY1431 24

I would've taken the gift back, got my money back and got myself something.


Byere 4

What an ungrateful little shit. Hope you mushed her face into the cake in front of all her friends

at sixteen she still behaves like this? chivalry isn't dead, tact is dead.

jessenia123 27

You should of kicked her out of your house

And this is when ALL the black mail you have about her comes out... use some charts, maybe even a power point essay with photos.

What an ungrateful brat! I agree with others, I would've taken the gift back and eaten the cake. She doesn't deserve the work you put in to do something special if she's going to act like that. Sounds like one of my siblings..

I wouldn't dream of ever doing that to my family, and vice versa. Although the most ungrateful would have to be my older brother who's 22, though he's an asshole he'd never do what your sister did. I feel bad OP, hopefully she gets through her bitchy stage. It's a horrible time, good luck. Next time just turn the other cheek, since you're the more mature one. :)

Shred the receipt, eat all the food, and crash the party.

What an ungrateful sister, you should of messed the house back up again,taken back the rose,eat the cake,and sat in the middle of the living room while the party was on

You should just crash the party by running around naked while eating the cake