By mydadsawsooomuch - 17/11/2010 13:26 - United States

Today, in the wee hours of the morning I decided to make a naked dash to the bathroom, unfortunately, my dad decided to do the same thing at the exact same time. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 154
You deserved it 9 820

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It's not that bad. You seem to have forgotten this is the man that wiped your ass for 2 years.


xchica365x 0

imagine what breakfasts gonna be like.

See that symbol by the username? That means female. So it was a father-daughter incident, which means no beam crossing and even more awkwardness...possibly some permanent mental scarring.

r u a girl or boy? it makes all the differnce

Whoadee 0

rock,paper, sccisors for BR privalages

singerr4evvr 0

ohhh, well at least he knows that your probably fully grown.......I wonder how he feels about that o-0

that's why you should always try to have at least two bathrooms in a family house.

impatientsnake 4

do u guys both sleep commando? 0.o oookkkk

wuggles 0

why the hell would you run naked to the bathroom if your still living at your parents?

jesbar95 10

This happened to me.! Except I was six :/