By Anonymous - 21/04/2013 05:07 - United States

Today, in my rush to do my hair and get to work, I managed to trip over my dog, hit my eye on the counter, and sprain my ankle. I arrived at work with a black eye and a painful limp. My boss didn't care, and fired me for showing up late. FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 676
You deserved it 7 354

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Hope you get better and find a better job with a boss that will understand situations like that!

mimikinsz01 6

Omg! Thats awful! Your boss seriously has no heart! When i read this i felt the pain from all those accidents! Ouch!

Well, did you at least call to say you'd be late or just wander in when you got there

I seriously doubt your employer fired you for being late one time. I'm guessing that you are continually late and your boss was finally over it.

No offense op but you probably should've skipped doing your hair.....

Maybe you would've made it to work on time if you hadn't taken the time to do your hair? Also, if you got fired for it, I'm guessing it wasn't nearly the first time you were late for work. Thus, YDI.

tenfiftynine 12

For one of my jobs your clothes couldn't be a mess and your hair HAD to be brushed. If not you'd have to stay late. The second day I was there I was 20 minutes late. I called my boss explaining that I needed to bring my mother to the doctor. I got to work and was fired on the spot. So, OP might have NEEDED to brush her hair.

I'm sorry. They are not a good boss if they don't care if you've been injured... Hope you find a better job!

angelofmusic113 9

If you were late once, it probably wouldn't have been an issue. Something tells me you've been late more than once before. You deserved it.

I love how a lot of people say YDI because OP was doing his/her hair. No one thought that maybe OP's job required him/her to look decent?

I've actually only seen two or three people say that. Most are questioning if this is (or isn't) the first time op is late...