By szinna - 07/06/2009 19:14 - United States

Today, in an effort to seduce my husband, I laid in bed caressing myself. He walked in, looked at me, and said, "Is the ground beef in the freezer still good?" When I answered yes, he turned and walked out of the room. FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 095
You deserved it 6 794

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Give me a call, I'll make you feel like a woman.

lagoosie 0

What the hell is up with people trying to play hard to get or trying to seduce people? ******* get off your ass, and tell him you want to be with him. But, yeah FYL AND YDI. Stop playing with yourself, and go play with your husband.


Should Have Told him" I GOt something U can EAT!!!"

monicamischief 0

any man that chooses food over sex has something very wrong with you. he must be gay. time for a new husband. unless the OP is hideous or something. but seriously, what the hell. turning down sex for steak? : /

HeartlessxBitch 0

...& that kiddies, is why i'm never getting married. XD

If only u were ground beef. Maybe ur ****** reminds him of it

yungmoolahbaby 0

i guess some men prefer meat.

Why didn't you say No? Then afterwards say Yes!

littlemisslee 0

That's nothing unusual. My guy has a one-track mind.... For food.

#15 umm seducing your husband isnt a bad thing.

I'm guessing he's not attracted to you anymore fatty.