By Enrique - 07/02/2010 01:19 - United States

Today, I work at McDonalds. I burned my hand while cleaning their grill and have a 2nd/3rd degree burn from my pinky to my wrist. When told about this, my manager told me that there was "nothing that they could do for me and to tough it out". However I was given a free McFlurry. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 996
You deserved it 5 004

Same thing different taste

Top comments

PLEASE write down in detail what happened and everything he said to you . The sooner the better; the fresher it is in your mind, the more you will remember. Save all written materials, receipts for medical care and medication, including over-the-counter drugs. Take pictures of your injury, if you haven't already and make sure it is dated somehow. Take another picture every few days and date it. Write down all the effects of your injury, particularly things that you can't do because of it. If you do call HR, write down everything you told them and everything they told you. They may advise you to file a Worker's Compensation claim. It would be very good to talk to a lawyer before do this or sign any type of agreement with the company. Get better quickly and as soon as you are well, find a lawyer. If you're underage, have your parents seek out an attorney for you. You might very well qualify for your county's Legal Aid which will be free or absolutely no more than you can afford. But don't let this pass. It's not right, and it's my strong belief that you are entitled to damages. If that manager gets away with treating you like this, he will do it to more employees. This is what civil law is for, IMO. (I work in the legal field, BTW.)

greg1234567890_fml 2

right after i read the first sentence i knew it was FYL


el11 1
clarissa2377 0

At least u didn't splash Urself in the eye with the acid cleaner! That hurts too.. Then spending three hours in the hospital with the most annoying manager in the world followed by another half hour at Walgreens getting eye drops!!! FML

Sodapop40 21

Bitch, you got a free mcflurry! Why you complaning?!

I work at mcdonalds I got a 2nd degree burn on most of my arm from boiling water. I was laughed at and told to go back to work so that's just McDonald's for you

Oh and I'm stil a high school student but in anatomy I was informed that third degree burns require medical attention first and second though uncomfortable can be treated safely at home to a certain extent. If it really is third degree get to a doctor if it's a large area they may have to do a skin graph which is not fun at all. Hope you get better cause I know burns aren't fun

I would say FYL buuuut your first sentence is an automatic YDI.