By eggnoodles - 13/12/2009 05:44 - United States

Today, I woke up to find myself drenched in piss after a long night of drinking. I immediately sprang into action, tossing my bedding in the washer and hopping into the shower. Running late for work, I threw on a nice dress and got into my car. Guess who also peed in the drivers seat? FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 002
You deserved it 53 138

Same thing different taste

Top comments

doomking10 0

Yeah, thanks for endangering everyone's lives, bitch. You were so drunk that you pissed yourself twice and don't remember any of it, so you decided driving home would be a good idea?

HiddenAce91 6

wow that sucks so you pissed yourself twice. The FIRST time being when you drove yourself home drunk.


Too bad you didn't wind up splattered against a tree trunk and the hood of your car. I had a Darwin Award made up and everything.

rewrite: ...and hastily sat down in my car seat. Guess where else they peed on?

fobchick 0

You are a stupid careless **** rag, how can you even think driving drunk is okay!?! You can kill a family, I honestly think something needs to happen to you first before you hurt anyone. Dumb ass bitch.

Please die of alcohol poisoning. Better that than driving drunk and killing someone, or even a family. I have so much hate for you and I don't even know you.

HellHathNoFury85 0

Hey, you're just like the ignorant trash who was so drunk that she hit my brother while drunk driving, dragged him for 300 feet and pissed her pants when she passed out with his body under her car! Classy. Always check your death machine for bodies after your careless forays into the srteets that innocent people use, mmkay? Families of victims like my brother will be thrilled when you grow up a bit.

vlk4_fml 0

OP forgot to mention how after realizing she pissed her seat she saw the dead body halfway through her windsheild. You are VERY lucky you didn't hit anyone or anything (or at least didn't hit anything that you knew of at the time of posting this). Get help. You are obviously a binge drinking alcoholic if you get so wasted you piss youself twice and drive and don't remember any of it, not to mention doing that the night before you have work in the morning.

You can come out and say this is fake any time now, OP. :(

prettystoopid 0

you gives a **** about where you peed, you should be more worried you could've killed someone driving drunk moron