By Anonymous - 17/04/2012 19:29 - United States - Milwaukee

Today, I woke up to a text from my mother-in-law saying, "Happy birthday! I hope you have great birthday sex!" I'm now afraid to go over there for dinner tonight. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 879
You deserved it 3 174

Same thing different taste


So... I personally think she's just joking around, bur have I could be wrong. :P

perdix 29

Am I the only one bothered that we don't know the OP's gender? If the OP is a man, that would be a pretty uncomfortable thought! Is the MIL hinting that if her daughter gives him fair to middling birthday sex, she'll make it up to him? Is it just me?

Let's just say she is a very nice lady..

hereinnc 12

You have an awesome MIL be thankful! Happy Birthday OP!

babyz17 0

Haha it's my bday today 2 :) an Thts awkward about ur mom in law

perdix 29

#93, #97, Happy birthday! There's a nice lady in Wisconsin wishing you had great birthday sex, too. She's like to give you some cheese. Let's hope in the name of all that is good and holy that it is literal Wisconsin dairy cheese, and not some weird Urban Dictionary perversion.

sarahrocrocrocks 5

hey todays my birthday too :)

fuckmebutdontfml 16

then happy birthday to you and may your luck be as great as OPs

Hmmm....wouldn't really consider your mother-in-law infringing on your sex life 'support'. Most people like to keep their private life....private. I'm assuming this is the case with OP, which is why this is an FML.

GripItRight 10

Do you think she's your pimp? Com'n she obviuosly is being rude because you're f*in her child when you shouldn't be. She can't do anything about but confront you And be rude. Do you deserve it?

why shouldn't OP be having sex with their spouse?

BeaterOfTheDrums 15

"it was the best thirty seconds of my life(my life)"

Um...if its an in-law then I don't see how they shouldn't be having sex #102. Haha, that would kind of mean they were married. Maybe I have just been confused all these years. To the real point though...i wish my mother-in-law had that kind of sense of humor :)