By drunkennight - 23/11/2009 03:45 - Canada

Today, I woke up after a night out at the bar, immediately remembering that I had lost my cell phone, my ID and somehow spent $100. Feeling like shit already, my friend then goes on to tell me that I flashed the entire bar, and ran around the hotel naked. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 994
You deserved it 42 360

Same thing different taste


magnetic_aura 26

You sure she's telling the truth? Does it seem like something you'd do, drunk, OP? I only ask because I had a friend who would tell me these terrible/gross/embarrasing things I'd done drunk, only to find out that none of them happened. She thought it was "funny".

No offense, but you're still responsible for your actions, even while drunk. Maybe you'll learn a lesson about drinking responsibly.

YDI for drinking too much to get drunk.

Your life sucks but I bet you made a lot of people very happy

I will never understand why people let themselves get that drunk. ydi