By sopissed - 13/06/2012 18:13 - United States - Laurel

Today, I went to take my driver's test, and I did almost everything perfectly. The last thing was to back into a driveway. As I went to put my hand on the passenger seat to look over my shoulder, I got so nervous that I hit my instructor in the face. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 672
You deserved it 3 624

Same thing different taste

Top comments

strawberrywine22 30

I'm sure he couldn't hold it against you! After all, beating your passengers doesn't make you a bad driver...


Everyone's telling OP to say sorry. But isn't it a little late for sorry. I'm sure OP did.

Well if u did everything perfect he or she shud understand yur nervous as hell.

That sucks I hope he didn't fail you for it!

JaysFanStu 3

Why did you not just use your 3 mirrors? That's what they're there for. I'd fail you. Sorry. Not for the smack though. That's just bad luck.

lovebeecharmer 6

It's probably required in the test to look over your shoulder, and it's common sense. Never trust mirrors.

jim_bolicious 4

I'd say it makes more sense to rotate your head a couple degrees either way and use your mirrors. Than to strain yourself needlessly and not being able to keep an eye on what the front of the car might be getting a little close to. And as you're approaching the space you're going to be backing into take a look and estimate how much space you have to work with, and if you can't judge how close an object is using your driver side mirror then you suck

JaysFanStu 3

No, what's common sense in a drivers test is to use your mirrors and keep two hands on your wheel. If you weren't supposed to trust your mirrors, they wouldn't put them in or on your car.

KiddNYC1O 20

I wish that could've happened to me with my highly strict instructor. Eh, I passed after all.

justin_noble 6
subversivefreak 2

I'm fairly sure you haven't breached the Highway Code

imadinosaursolik 3

people like you shouldn't be driving.

skulskinator 5

At least u didn't grab his dick