By Stormy - 27/02/2011 21:46 - United States

Today, I went to my first ever high school party with music, drinks, and dancing. Within a few minutes of taking my first ever shot of tequila, I was in the worst pain in my life. My parents were called and I had to be taken to the hospital. I'm alcohol intolerant. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 037
You deserved it 13 981

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You're intolerant because you're STILL IN ******* HIGH SCHOOL. I realise many people here are not from the US, but in Florida (where OP is from), it is illegal to drink under age 21. It's illegal for a reason. To all the idiots here saying "lol kids start drinking at 13 get a life lololooloool" you need to shut your immature, clueless little mouths. I've seen more kids killed while drunk driving than I'd care to mention. I just pronounced an 18 year old dead last week because he thought he could drive drunk and get away with it. He didn't. You can vote me down all you want, but that's the damned truth.

Wow, you shouldn't have been drinking anyway.


lshmsfomhaiadmt 0

sux for you, im in middle school and drink all the time, though i have a friend that have the same as you, wasnt a too pleasent convo with their parents.

my friend is allergic to alcohol too

iheartguitarx 0

thats terrible!! whatd your parents say??

aaaaaahhhhhh....! i remember my first high school party I got ****** UP !! >.< :D your life really SUXXXXX.. there's more options not just alcohol .... getting high ...rolling >.< I still get ****** up when I go to my high school parties:)

"plur"... People like you give us ravers a bad name, I hope you get date-raped.

coatie 0

I wanna talk some one message me it doesn't have to answer in English


Just think, you can be the one to blast bagpipe music when your friends are super hungover and throwing up everywhere. It's their own damn fault, after all.

sublime420 11
bruins1116 0