By dyingtinkerbell - 18/10/2009 11:14 - Australia

Today, I went to my company's HR manager to ask what the procedure was to file a sexual harassment complaint since my boss exposed himself to me. His response was that the procedure is to "get over it." And he went back to reading. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 871
You deserved it 4 429

Same thing different taste

Top comments

letitbe56 0

I don't know anything about Australian law, but I suspect it's illegal for him to ignore your concerns like that. Talk to a lawyer--at very least, the company should transfer you to another department so you don't have to work with your current boss, if not fire him.

xtremelifter 0

The heart of the issue is that she was shown something that she didn't want to see in the first place. Sexual Harassment isn't a "suck it up and get over it." Once you see something like that u can't unsee it. Seek legal help and charges filed against him. Apologize for that having to happen.


when i was 16 the really old girls who were 21 would buy me beer and make me give them head in their cars after work. i guess thats why im so good at it !

"Get over it" is a no-no in most workplaces. Time to do some independent reasearch on how to file the complaint yourself. You could go to a law firm and do some preliminary work...get something legal and official. Once your HR manager sees it, if he/she has any sense they will address the issue. Just the threat of legal action will make them wake up sometimes...

I sure hope you didn't just "get over it"! YDI for not calling the cops.

ozymandias_fml 0

Sounds like a perfectly valid procedure.

perdix 29

OMG! Mercy! I am curled up under my desk, in the fetal position, clutching my laptop and quaking in fear. Since I am in full panic about the crotchetal rubbing, I hope for the sake of all that is good and holy, that the licking does not begin. No licking, please, not the licking!

Now you can get your boss and your HR person fired. Get a lawyer, you don't go to the company, they will try to cover it up.

Go over HIS head, and take a witness this time. That is absolutely absurd that someone in that position would be stupid enough to throw away their job with such a retarded comment.

One thing to keep in mind when going to HR is that they work in interest of what's best for the company. That guy, though, seems like a lazy ass.