By angry - 28/06/2009 21:05 - United States

Today, I went to go get a new ID because my wallet was stolen, which had my social security card in it as well. I found out that to get your ID you have to have your social security card, and to get your social security card, you need your ID. FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 081
You deserved it 8 685

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wow. You probably shouldn't be carrying around your SS card though..


jeanniner 0

Holy cow. That sucks. Maybe if you explain the situation they'll understand?

eminem66 0

yeaaaaaa, probably wouldn't carry my SS card around with me

YDI for carrying your ssc with you. You should never carry it around with you in case that happens.

Kuroftw 0

Um. For future reference, you're supposed to carry a COPY of your SSN with you, not the original. The original needs to be in safe keeping.

um no, you're actually not supposed to "carry around" ANY document with your social security number on it. the only time you would ever need the card itself is if you lose your other forms of identification and you'd only need the number if you're applying for credit or a job or something - in which case you'd know in advance and could grab it beforehand. having the number on you, particularly alongside all of your other forms of identification, credit cards, etc, just makes it that much easier for a thief to completely take over your identity and truly **** you over. why do you think they DON'T print it on licenses or anything? it's also why they tell you to shred, not just throw away, any papers that have your SSN on it after you're done with them

drtimblin 0

Actually they do print them on military central access cards but that's irrelevant you are right it is dumb to carry anything around with your Ssn on it, unfortunately some of us have to.

write it down on a piece of paper BACKWARDS. that way, the thief will probably get confused (If they even know what the number means) and probably just throw it away in frustration.

pwnrzero 0

ur screwd man but there r other ways of id

Dang that sucks. I'm sorry. I hope it gets worked out. I also have to agree with #7, when it gets fixed, don't keep your SS card in your wallet. Good luck with everything though!

electropop 0

Don't you have a passport or something that you can use?

YDI for carrying you ss card in you wallet

LOL @ all the stupid comments on here. i click on it & seriously, virtually all the comments have been hid because of too many negative votes. that sucks heaps dude, but there are other forms of identification.

soccerboy101 0

To vddrummer get a life seriously To OP don't carry your ssc with u