By Chip - 21/04/2009 10:51 - Australia

Today, I went to a cosmetic dentist and got a chip in my tooth filled in that I’d had since I was 7. I went out later and my friend jokingly hit my head against the table a few times to make fun of me showing off my teeth. He slipped. I fell. I now have 2 chipped teeth and a broken nose. FML
I agree, your life sucks 59 443
You deserved it 10 434

Same thing different taste

Top comments

piderman13 0

YDI for not stopping him. how can hitting your head against the table end well?

livingdeadgirl 0

Oh **** that you should have beaten the shit out of him until his nose was broken too and had chipped teeth.


I hope you are making him pay for the repair work.

AntiChrist7 0

don't want to know what other stuff you do with your "friend". YDI

wowfmlife 0

Jokingly banged your head against a table? ...ouch... Why would you stop him?


Why did you think this was going to end in your favor? Dunno what kind of friends you've got... I would have made sure my friend also had ****** up teeth.

make that bitch pay for your 2 new fillings and nose surgery

h011ist3rguy 0

FYL, but I bet your dentist is happy. More money for them, haha.

first of all, why would you let someone bang your head against a table? that's just stupid. second, why would your friend bang your head into a table? he's stupid and not a very good friend. this situation totally sucks for you, and your friend should pay for the damages, but how did you not see this coming?

ohhhhshizzz 0

Does your friend have the IQ of a dog? Seriously, not even a dog because ANIMALS are smarter than that. Banging head on table= NO NO. That wouldn't end well, but I get what you're saying. But I'd hate to see what he does when he is pissed. With friends like THAT who needs enemies?

Funtertaining11 0

Well, that's what happens when you show off. But, dude! that stinks. I agree, your friend should pay, at least part of it. Guess someone doesn't know their own strength.